The Detail

Intuitively he (the photographer) sought and found the significant detail. His work, incapable of narrative turned towards the symbol.    John Szarkowski 1966

I became a photographer in the days when the single image was king. I find myself still looking for that one image that will successfully tell my story, expressing what I am trying to say when I open and close the shutter.

The “detail image” is a photograph that describes the subject but infers there is more outside the edges of the frame. It is a small part of a larger whole but includes enough of the subject for the complete object to be envisioned by the viewer.

I recently completed a small project on the Maine State Ferry Service for a group exhibition called Rockland’s Working Waterfront opening July 5th at the Jonathan Frost Gallery in Rockland (ME). Here are a few images not selected for the exhibition because they imply the presence of but don’t show people specifically.

Passing Ferry

At first look, this is an image about the clouds and the water of Penobscot Bay. However, in the lower left-hand corner is the ferry to Vinalhaven.


These are in the passenger cabin of the Everett Libby ferry.

The Everett Libby

The ferry sits docked at Matinicus, awaiting its load before return to the mainland.

Flying the Flag

The Everett Libby plows through Penobscot Bay, the state of Maine flag flying high.

Safety Chain

The safety chain at the stern of the ship is there to prevent passengers and cars from sliding off the stern of the ship. From this vantage point, the chain rises above the horizon and appears substantial as the mainland fades into the distance.

I would maintain that all five are detail images but when put together tell an overall story about a day trip to Matinicus on the Everett Libby ferry. None of these are macro detail images. Each is part of a large whole, and together through these five details, the viewer can enjoy a trip to Matinicus without ever having to board a ferry.


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