Revitalizing the Website

Dear Friends

If you have visited the Tillman Crane Photography website in the last year you have noticed that we have not been as active as in the past. We hoped to completely redesign our web site but the process is taking longer than anticipated. But I am going to start using part of the site for a new purpose.

I am going to revitalize the MUSING section of this site to include weekly thoughts and new images. These will not be long form essays as much as they will be conversations about what I am doing or working on. For example, this week I am going to post a small gallery of four images of ice.

As you know I have gone to completely digital capture. The final prints will continue to be platinum prints. Working digitally has made it much easier to create more images, edit images more quickly, and finally to share them on the web site and other social media locations. I am working with the Fujifilm GFX R and the Fuji XT 2 system. I am still trying to work with a view camera aesthetic, that is the camera is on a tripod and the final image will be presented in black and white. The images I will present in the Musing Gallery will be finished images but they have not been printed yet. It is a way for me to post images and get possible feed back and to live with them for a while before going into the darkroom and making final platinum prints.

I live in Maine and one constant about winter in Maine is ice. It has not been a typical winter. This year the usual weather pattern has been snow followed by warming rain. This has been lousy weather and conditions if you are a skier, but it has made for great ice. Ice has become smooth layers over rough layers. Leaves have blown on to the ice and become trapped. Ice shapes have emerged from the smooth water like icebergs.

Monday has been my shooting day. I will go out and around looking for places where fresh water meets salt water of fresh water ponds and lakes. I strap on my ice cleats and wander around and see what I can find. Often looking straight down, these ice forms lose any sense of scale and become objects emerging from ice. Eventually I hope to see some of them as larger than life size platinum prints. But for now they will live as digital images on the web site.

Let me know what you think.






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